Category Archives: Toby

Leibchen, a daschund mix, comes to stay overnight !

In a few weeks little Leibchen, a daschund mix, is returning for a visit. He is a real cutie and so easy going! His human, Barbara, left him with us while she went on an expedition to the land of the Northern Lights, where she was bundled up in sub zero weather and taken for a dog sled ride. She also witnessed a spectacular displays of the Aurora Borealis.

This little guy comes with many special items: medications for arthritis, a raw chicken neck for AM and a raw mini lamb bone for a mid afternoon snack. Before bed he gets a blue chew bone that makes his teeth clean and his breath sweet. In the car he sits up front in a designer car seat with a fancy safety belt. One look at him and you know that he knows “he has got it good” !